The heat is cranked up. The dog and I share several blankets on the couch. All of the plants are inside, safe and sound, viewing the patio from my bookcase. I have a roaring fire in the fireplace. I'm about to start a pot of chili and make a vat of hot apple cider. All of this, in preparation for what has been termed the "Storm of the Century" or "Snomaggedon".
Keep in mind, though, that I live in central Texas, and, while it is frigidly windy and cold, the chances of it snowing at all -- let alone a blizzard -- are almost null. We won't get the several feet of snow that much of the country is expected to get, but that doesn't lesson the fact that it's wicked cold out there! I woke up in the middle of the night last night, startled by the sound of what were supposedly 50-mile-an-hour wind gusts.
Most ironic of all, though, is that yesterday our temps were actually in the 70s. On Sunday, Dutch Boy and I took Miss Lady for a serious hike at the creek, and she even went swimming. Some pictures from the weekend, pre-Ice Age:
And, since it's February, I guess I need to declare my February resolution to the masses: This month, I will spend 10 or 15 minutes straightening up every night, in order to lessen the need for cleaning on the weekends (because nothing ruins a weekend like decluttering).
Is the dog's name Mick Jagger, Stephen Tyler, or Doctor Love?