

I've been a slacker lately. It's been weeks since I've posted on here, so this is a quickie-update on life lately.

School started August 24th. It has been wild, to say the least. Our school has gone through some interesting changes, to put it mildly, which means that every day I come home and flop down on the couch, only to get up a little while later realizing I am starving, that I will soon have a starving husband at home, and that dinner does not miraculously make itself. (Although, if it did, life would be sweet.) Then I pick up the phone and order a pizza. Or, to shake it up a little bit, I Google-chat Dutch Boy at work and have a discussion that goes a little like this:

Me: Are you coming home soon? I'm bored. And hungry.
DB: Maybe. We'll see.
Me: Well, what do you feel like for dinner?
DB: I don't care. Make what you want.
Me: But I don't know what I want. What do you want?
DB: Seriously, I don't care.
Me: But what should I make?
DB: Whatever you want.
Me: But....

I think you get the picture.

I really do love to cook. But so often, I feel uninspired by all the of the options that we've already tried. Plus, when I spend all day at work literally running around the school, cooking takes extra energy that I just don't have by that point in the day. So I sit. And continue to harass Dutch Boy at work.

And on a completely unrelated topic...

Right before school started, I went with my friend Brooke to a real-live, just-like-Lucy-and-Ethel grape stomp at a winery about an hour from here. It was a blast. And, in case you were wondering, grapes are incredibly cold when they are oozing between your feet. I mean, almost as cold as the time in high school when I decided to run around the house barefoot in the snow. Almost. (That was not my brightest moment, by the way, but kind of invigorating.)

Squish squish.

Finally, my job is often good for a laugh. Especially when a nine-year-old can put me in my place:

Quote of the Day while I was pretending to jump higher than a fourth grader on the trampoline.
Me: I'm gonna beat you! I'll win!!!
Fourth Grader: You know you're only embarrassing yourself, right?

Please note that I was jumping in a dress and heels. There is no way this could have been an even match.

That's all for now. I'll try to be better about posting several times a week, instead of going for a month in between. No promises though.

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