
The Back-to-School List, Part 2

Yesterday afternoon I was determined to finish that closet.  Fifteen minutes in, I was hot and bored, so I sat down next to the dog on the bed, petting her.  The next thing I know, I'm waking up from an hour-long dream involving my swimming lessons at the YMCA.  This dream included a girl in my swimming class who was wearing high heels while trying to learn the breaststroke.  Obviously.  I even dropped my cell phone at the bottom of the pool.  Disastrous.  Who does that?  Or, more importantly, who dreams about swimming lessons at the YMCA when she hasn't taken swimming lessons since she was about ten years old?  PLEASE psychoanalyze me.

I FINALLY finished it, and here it is.  Believe it or not, while there is still way too much stuff in there, you can actually walk inside it!!

And now, presenting my next two projects...How did we accumulate so much?!?!?

Also, on a side-note, I just got a package from my mom and she sent me Funky Bands.  You know, those rubber bands that are in the shape of various animals and are made for ten-year-olds?  Why would my mom send me those?


The Back-to-School List

I have to go back to work next Monday after a nice, long, dull summer of respite and sloth.  That means that in the last week I remembered just how many goals I had when the summer began, and how few of those goals have actually gotten accomplished.

Today I started cleaning out our bedroom and closet.  We moved in last summer, and ever since then, I feel like neither of those spaces has ever been completely organized.  I started in on the closet this morning.  This is what it looked like when I started:

 Def-Com 5.  I know.

Sidebar:  Apparently I have issues.  Do you see all those clothes?

Unfortunately, no bulldozers were willing to come in and help me shovel things out, so I used only my brute strength and huge muscles to clean it out all by myself.

Sidebar:  Do you know anyone with a bulldozer?

I have an incredibly short attention-span and that closet gets really stuffy, really quick in the Texas summers, so in between my 15-minute stints of cleaning, I sat on the couch, stuffing my face with ice cream and watching Real Housewives reruns. 

Sidebar:  I swore that I would never watch an episode of Real Housewives.  That all changed last week when I realized I could get them on Hulu.  Stupid technology.  Real Housewives is detrimental to my health.  It is also highly addictive.

While actually cleaning, I found a box of winter clothes that I forgot I have. 

Sidebar:  In case you forgot, I live in Texas.  Having a box chock-full of wool sweaters and cashmere socks is superfluous.

Most of them are getting donated to Salvation Army, along with countless other random belongings of which, before this morning, we thought we could not live without--including, that's right...a fanny pack that my hubby got at some conference awhile back. 

Sidebar:  A fanny pack?!?  Really?! 

Meanwhile, this is the dog...

Sidebar:  Yes, she's still sleeping on the fireplace.

To be continued...


Getting Comfy

I don't know if you realize this, but Central Texas in August might as well be the surface of the sun.  I hear that it's only about 10 degrees cooler here.  It's 11:30 right now, and the thermometer already says 93.  Not promising.

Because of this, poor Miss Lady has been trying to find new ways to stay cool.  This is what she discovered about 20 minutes ago:

The bowl kept getting pushed over...

Until it fell on the floor and she had all the space to herself.

Oh, the life of a dog.